Gilles Martin, Ceramist
Languages: French, english, spanish
1976: Diploma of dental technician (Paris, France)
1976-1980: Practice of dental ceramics in different laboratories
1980-1984: Dental technician in Doctor Pierre Genon's clinic (Tonnerre, France). This clinic was very famous for esthetical and parodontological dental rehabilitations in Europe. Participation to some research works.
1985: First own laboratory in Paris
1986-1989: Advisory consult in fixed dental rehabilitation at University of Paris 5 (post graduate students) in dental rehabilitation
1989-2009: Speaker and advisory consult for different companies in the field of dental ceramics and implantology, in Europe, Asia and America (UGIN Dentaire, DEGUDENT, VITA, ANTHOGYRE, DENTSPLY...)
1990-now: Collaboration with CERAMCO US (Dentsply), courses and lectures
2000: Prize of <>(gouvernemental awards)
Until now: work in my own laboratory in Paris, esthetic and implants
- J.M. Lemoine et G. Martin. Mariland bridge. AOS, 1986
- E. Vincent et G. Martin. Indications de la souduresecondaire. CDP, 1987
- P. Renaud et G. Martin. Reflexion de la lumiere (opalescence). CDP, 1988
- G. Martin. Comparaison du joint ceramique dent. RFPD, 1990
- P. Renaud et G. Martin. Inlay onlay en ceramique (color logic). ATD, 1991
- R. Braun et G. Martin. Ceramiquebassefusion pour implants. ATD, 1998